Classifier Construction
This week’s assignments will guide you through the following topics:
- How to build and begin evaluating an XGBoost classifier
Please read the following:
Replication task
- Build an XGBoost classifer using the cleaned heart data (don’t worry about parameter tuning for now)
- Explore the outputs of the trained model
- Calculate evaluation metrics as the authors do. Take a look at model accuracy, sensitivity, etc.
Complete the following tasks:
- Complete the reading
- Build a classifier and calculate several evaluation metrics
Weekly Questions
Answer the following questions
- Why do we need to split our data into testing and training sets?
- We don’t always put as much weight on certain metrics as others. When would we care more about sensitivity? When would we care more about precision?
- In your own words, describe what a ROC curve is and why it’s useful. What is AUC and what does it tell us?