

This week’s assignments will guide you through the following topics:

  • Understanding the foundational principles behind XGBoost


Please read the following:

Replication task

  • Prepare heart data for modeling by:
    • Removing unhelpful variables (e.g., all values coded as missing or all values coded identically)
    • Transforming variables to numeric or categorical based on the data dictionary
    • One-hot encoding categorical variables
    • Converting the resulting dataframe to an array


Complete the following tasks:

  • Answer the questions below
  • Clean and prepare heart disease dataset to mirror paper

Weekly Questions

Answer the following questions

  • What is training loss and what is regularization? Why do we care about both of these terms in defining an objective function for a supervised learning model?
  • What is an ensemble model and specifically how, in general terms, do decision tree ensembles work?
  • What is boosting, how is it different than bagging, and why is boosting a useful technique for building models?
  • What are ‘weak learners’?